Monday, May 3, 2010

Parker's Big Day

I know that this is insignificant to just about everyone but Tyler and I but Parker had a big day yesterday. First of all, when I got Parker out of the tub yesterday morning before church, Parker informed me he needed to go "potty". We bought him his own little potty a month or so ago but besides playing with the seat cushion, he has shown very little interest in it. So we were pretty excited when he sat on his potty and peed! Woo hoo! Now if we can get him to use it more frequently we will be excited.

In addition to the potty usage, Parker finally stayed in nursery for the full 2 hours! Tyler stayed in there for a little while and then left and Parker stayed until Tyler went and got him after church. YAY! The usual Sunday consists of Tyler dropping Parker off while I run off to Primary. Then the nursery leaders bringing Parker to Tyler no more than 10 minutes after he leaves. Then Tyler spends most of his Sunday chasing Parker in the halls or trying to get him to go back to nursery. I would love to help but I run around like crazy during those last 2 hours so poor Tyler hasn't had a real day at church in a couple months. So keep it up Parker, we're so proud of you!


Val said...

yay! That is so exciting. I don't know which one i would be more excited about!!! Aren't they getting so big... too soon! :)

Jeff and Laura said...

That is exciting! Way to go Parker!

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