Monday, June 21, 2010

Odds and Ends

Just a few random thoughts:
1. My new favorite word of Parker's is Pop-cicle. However, he does not pronounce it even remotely close to pop-cicle. It is Poqu-a-ways. It took me a while to figure out what he was saying but I figured it out when he went to our freezer and pointed asking to eat a poqu-a-way outside. So dang cute! The other night he even said it in his sleep. Melt my heart like a popcicle :)
2. Yesterday marked two months left til my due date. Yay! I can't decide if I want these last two months to go by fast or slow. I can't wait to get her here so I can meet her and see her beautiful little face. On the other hand... I am nowhere near ready for her. We have all of the essential baby stuff from Parker but we have no girly clothes, blankets, etc. Plus I am not sure I am mentally and physically prepared for having two children- but that may never happen so bring it on!
3. We do have the blanket for baby's crib- It's the one I made- my big sewing project I mentioned earlier. I finally took a picture. All of you seamstresses out there would laugh at my work if you could see it up close but I think it will keep her warm which is all a blanket is intended for right?
4. Parker has his very own bed! We set it up last night and he slept in it all night long! Woo hoo! Here's to hoping every night from here on out goes that well. My Grandma is making him an adorable quilt with animals on it to go on his bed so when that gets here I'll have to post a picture.
5. I got to go to the temple with my mom Saturday morning. We went really early but it was so great to spend time in the temple with her. We both felt we needed a special trip and special it was. I love her and I love the temple!
6. The unknown: Our lease in this house is up in August- not great timing on our part considering our baby is due in August as well. So now we are faced with the decision of WHAT NEXT? Big question because it could be answered in so many different ways: see if we can extend our lease, move out but stay in Eagle, look into buying a house, move far away and start a new adventure. Who knows? But you can bet I'll be losing a lot of much needed sleep the next few months over it.


Johnson Family said...

Montana looks beautiful and so does your baby girl blanket! I love it! And good luck with those decisions you have to make! I am sure you will make a good one!

Val said...

YAY! 2 months left! SO... i love your blanket. I also love that Parker and Carter go through things at the same time. Carter's new favorite word is Popsicle...which sounds like taco. :) We need to see eachother...especially before we have these kids!

Lana said...

I can't believe you only have two months left, it seems like just a little bit ago that you announced that you were pregant! It seems like it is flying by!! How exciting!

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