So a lot has happened in the weeks following Thanksgiving, so much so, that I'm not sure where to start. We got puppies, we graduated college, decorated for Christmas, and suffered the loss of my Grandpa Tetley after he passed away. SInce I don't have the pictures from graduation yet, this post will focus on the happiness/ craziness of having a 17 month old and two 8 week old puppies. Oh so much fun!
To start the story off- Tyler and I are CRAZY! We never seem to do anything normally. We had planned and prepared to get parker ONE puppy for Christmas and yet here I find myself chasing two around the house. Basically we ran across these puppies in the usual "American Kennel Club" selling location outside Walmart on a very cold and blistery Saturday afternoon. They were the only two left and they were shivering uncontrollably. We immediately fell in love but we were trying to wait until it got closer to Christmas before actually buying, so we drove away. About a minute down the road, we started feeling really sorry for those poor shivering puppies so we turned around an bought both to rescue them! We got a 2-for-1 kind of deal and they are papered, pure-bred yellow labs, one boy who became Cosmo (after BYU's mascot) and one girl, Hailey (after Hailey, Idaho).
They love to chase Parker around the house.
And Parker loves to sit in their kennel- I promise I did not put him in there :)
Parker thinks we bought him a couple of really warm and soft pillows.
The rest of these pictures are from one of my favorite moments! Parker insisted we go outside in the snow one morning. His jacket was in the dryer after being washed, so I dressed him in one of Jake's hand-me down, and way too big for Parker might I add, BYU sweat shirt. It made a nice little snuggie along with mittens and snow boots. Then I spent a half hour playing with Parker and the puppies in the snow. It was so funny! And I couldn't get any of them to come inside despite the chilly weather and snow that was still falling. It was a blast.