Parker and I took a fun little trip with my mom and sister down to Salt Lake for my sister's best friend's wedding. It was a short trip but we had a lot of fun! We did some shopping at the Gateway mall, ate some yummy food, swam in the pool at the hotel, and enjoyed spending time on temple square and celebrating Jessica's (my sister's friend) special day. Kristen, Parker and I had some time to kill during the sealing so we had a fun little photo shoot on temple square. I have way too much fun with my new camera... these pictures are just a few of the 165 we took that day :)
Parker and Aunt Kristen admiring the Christus Statue. Parker loved this statue. He kept saying "Jesus, Jesus!" And we left he said "Bye-bye Jesus". It was so cute.
Such a neat place.
Parker's grumpy pictures- he had just woken up and was not thrilled to have tons of pictures taken.

Having fun with Grandma.
Smelling the pretty flowers. Temple square is so pretty in the spring!
Parker of course getting some attention from the ladies. Who can resist him? :)
And my beautiful sister! She looked so pretty! I'm so excited to have her back for the summer.
Anyway, I was grateful to have a fun little get away with my mom and sister. And Parker loved all of the spoiling that went on. We needed some girly time and it was a blast.