Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Summer Pre School Show

If you don't already know, my mom, in addition to being an awesome grandma, also owns an awesome preschool, and we feel very blessed to be able to take our kids there two mornings a week. I actually had the opportunity to work there for about six months as well and I am so impressed by what my mom has accomplished with her school. It is a wonderful environment and she really works so hard to make every student and their family feel special and loved. Plus, my kids are practically geniuses thanks to her curriculum :) 
At the end of every summer, the whole school puts on a show where each class comes up with a couple of skits and dances. This year both Parker and Rylan were in it and had so much fun! I was a little worried that, being my children, they might come down with a case of stage fright once they got up there. Nope. They obviously inherited their father's love to show-off.

Playing before the show:

Parker's class in "The Circle Dance":

 Rylan's class making shapes in the air to a cute little song:

Parker as a dog in one of his skits:

Parker with his surfboard after dancing to "Surfin' USA":

Rylan was very into her dancing!:

It is really fun to get to watch these kids work on something and have a chance to perform it for their families. We are very lucky to have this opportunity for our kids and love watching them learn and grow while making friends and having fun!
Thanks Grandma Kerry for all you do!
Your Preschool Rocks!

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