Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Holly Jolly Christmas!

Just a warning... This post is out of control for two reasons, the first is that our lives have been crazy for the past two weeks and the second is that I took 123 pictures over Christmas so I squeezed in a ton of them into my Christmas post. I hope it's not too overwhelming. This is also my third post today so hope you enjoy my novel!

Tyler's birthday was the 19th... my old man, just kidding babe! We celebrated by going to the Cheesecake Factory with his family and that night we went to the live nativity scene out in Eagle with Ben and Claudia. My present to him was a new rash guard for wake boarding this summer. He can't use it yet but that didn't stop him from wearing it around the house.

On to Christmas. Here is am overview of our holiday:

Christmas Eve we spent the morning lounging and trying on Parker's cute Christmas outfit. Then we did some last minute shopping in the crazy hustle and bustle of procrastinating shoppers.


Parker's cute "My first Christmas" outfit with adorable reindeer slippers.

So Cute!

At 4:00pm on Christmas Eve we went to my family's house for dinner (so yummy!), games and opening one present each.


Parker opening Present number one!

Our Christmas Eve presents are always pj's. So cute!

Parker with Grandma and Grandpa.

With my brother Jake and sister Kristen.

We love our mom.

After that... we went up to Tyler's parents' house to watch movies and spend the night. Christmas morning, Tyler's younger brother and sisters woke us up at 5:30 am to open presents. We didn't even go to bed until after midnight so we were a little sleepy!

Uncle Jae home from Rexburg.

Tyler and his musically talented siblings playing some Christmas music late at night.

Early morning love. Looking great at 5:30 Christmas morning!

Libby opening presents.

Then at about 9:00 Christmas morning we went back to my families house to open more presents.

Daddy helping Parker stay warm with his reindeer slippers.

He loves opening presents! He seems more interested in tearing the paper than the actual present
Parker opening his book- I'll Love You Forever. I love that book and now I cry every time I read it.
Jake's present. Rock Band! We all rocked out!

One of Parker's many great presents! He is so spoiled. Thanks Grandma!

And our holiday does not end there! We then went out to Tyler's Grandma's house for dinner and more presents! We are so blessed to have such wonderful families and so much love to share at Christmas. We are also so lucky to have the gospel and to know that the true meaning of Christmas is to celebrate the life of our Savior and his atonement made on our behalf. I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas!

1 comment:

Jeff and Laura said...

What a fun Christmas you guys had. I have been wondering where you have been! I love the PJs....yours are sooo cute:)
Have a Happy New Year!

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