For those who have spent a summer with Tyler, you'll know his favorite article of clothing are what we affectionately call his "Nerd Shorts". He lives in them all summer! Well we found Parker a couple pairs of Nerd Shorts to match his daddy this summer and it has finally been warm enough for him to wear them. Yay for sunshine and 80* weather. Anyway, these pics aren't the greatest because they are off my phone and the little squirt wouldn't sit still long enough for a good one.

You may also notice the huge bruise on his forehead... that, along with several other bruises, are his "adventure wounds". he is on the move ALL THEE TIME!! I can't keep up with him to protect him so sadly he ends up with some ouches!

In other news... he has taken six whole consecutive steps on his own! He hasn't wanted to walk since, which I am perfectly ok with for now. The more he gets around, the more trouble he'll be in.
Tyler is in Salt Lake finishing some appraisal classes, on top of school and finals coming up. He is such a hero to his family. We are thankful for his hard work for us and miss him terribly. Thanks Love! We get to go down there on Saturday with my family to pick up Kristen from BYU (SOO EXCITED!!!) and I will finally get my hubby back!
I have been staying at my parents so I'm not all alone for the week. We've been going on walks in their beautiful neighborhood. There are ponds full of ducks and their new babies, so cute! Parker loves all animals and tries desperately to get ahold of the ducks and geese. The funny thing is the ducks actually come up to him and follow us around, I think they think we have food for them or something, but Parker gets a real kick out of it.
I got to go to the temple last night with some girls from the my relief society. I am grateful for great girl friends! If I can't be in the temple with Tyler, I am very glad I can be with some awesome friends. Love you girls!
That is it for now... just trying to get through the rest of the week so I can get my husband and sister back, ha ha!