I'm so grateful to be sealed to my family! There is nothing better in this life than knowing I get to be with them forever!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Parker's First Trip to the Ocean
We love the beach! It is probably our favorite part of the trip! Parker wasn't so sure about the waves crashing towards him but after a while he loved it and would drag me into the water. He has also been testing out his legs, walking along the beach all on his own. Tyler did some body surfing. He was basically a little dot amongst the waves for a while. He enjoyed that. And I enjoy just being at the beach in general! So fun! We've been to three different beaches so far: Ocean Beach, Mission Beach and Coronado Beach on Coronado Island. I think Coronado is our favorite but we loved them all.
Ocean Beach
"I wanna come too Dad!"
Toes in the sand...
Tyler making his way out to body surf.
Mission Beach
Loving the sunshine!
We just happened to be in San Diego the same week as our friends the Emery's. We met up with Valerie and her family at the beach and had lots of fun with them! Here Parker is playing with his buddy Carter.
My sun glasses never seem to fit right.. ha ha.
Enjoying the water.
Coronado Island is a fun little tourist Island. I loved it! It was so clean and cute with beautiful beaches and houses. We brought our bikes over to the island and rode around for a while which was a blast. We love our bike rides and riding along the beach was awesome! Then we decided to play on the beach for a bit.
Our flip flops after rescuing them from a wave that swept them away. I thought it was kind of a cute picture.
My boys watching the waves come in.
Parker and I walking along the shore.

Parker walking all by himself in the sand and water.

My handsome hubby. I love him!
Coronado was probably the most fun we've had so far and we plan on going back another night. Maybe when we are old and rich (ha ha) we'll have a vacation home there... I wouldn't mind that! :)
Friday, June 12, 2009
Dogs at the Zoo
We spent a lot of time checking out all the cool animals at the San Diego Zoo and the Wild Animal Park. They were both huge and we were very worn out after hiking, climbing, strolling and walking around. Parker loved all the animals, he thinks they are all strange varieties of dogs. Every animal we came to he would point and say "dog!". It was pretty funny.
San Diego Zoo
We wanted a picture with the San Diego Zoo sign above us but apparently the guy taking the picture for us didn't realize that's what we were attempting. Oh well.
Hippo Smooches!
Tyler and the Panda
Getting ready for the sea lion show. Parker fell asleep in his stroller but as soon as the show started he woke right up and started dancing to the music!
Here he is clapping for the "dog" also known as a sea lion. Ha ha.
The Jaguar! He was so close. We saw the tigers this close too! They seemed to like Parker... or thought he looked like a tasty snack, YIKES!
Wild Animal Park
Petting a deer in the petting zoo. Parker didn't want to leave the petting zoo!
You can't really tell but this is a baby cheetah! They were sooo little and cute! Unfortunately this was the best picture I could get.
On the carousel at the park. Parker was excited about his new gorilla friend.
The Pool...
We have been swimming at our condo complex quite a bit. The water is pretty darn cold but Parker and Tyler don't seem to mind. They love it! It takes me a little longer to get in but once I'm in there we have lots of fun.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
San Diego Adventures
Here are some of the adventures we've had so far being here in San Diego. We left on Friday, a lot later than we had expected because Tyler had some work to finish up, and drove 10 hours to Las Vegas. About 30 minutes into the drive we ran into a crazy rain and hail storm. So crazy that everyone, except Tyler of course, was pulling over to the side of the freeway because it was near impossible to see where you were going! Luckily it only lasted about 5 minutes and we made it all the way to Vegas in safety. We didn't get there until 2 in the morning... but we got there in one piece!
We made it to San Diego and have enjoyed swimming in our condo's pool exploring this HUGE city. We got to go to a Padres game last night. It was so fun. I think Parker enjoyed it the most! We realized it only takes a few bites of cotton candy to keep him energized for an entire baseball game!
Birthday Party
My husband and our families planned an awesome surprise birthday party for me. It was a lot of fun! Tyler's family decorated their house with luau decorations and made some yummy hawaiian chicken sandwiches on the BBQ. I am very grateful for all the work they did to make it a great day. Unfortunately some of my pictures won't load, so I only have a few to post, but they are good ones! Thanks to everyone for the fun cards and presents!
I will try to get those other pictures up because there are lots of fun ones!
Monday, June 1, 2009
May Stuff....
Lots of pictures:
First of all, I had a great birthday on Saturday and want to thank my wonderful husband for making me feel special with my surprise party! So thoughtful and thanks to all those who came or thought of me that day. I will have pictures soon!
Parker has a new face. He loves making everyone laugh with this one. We call it his scowl or "zoolander" face. He has a hard time making it because a grin has a tendency to take over as soon as he tries to scowl.

Our little drummer boy. He loves any and every musical instrument so far.
Parker and his cousin Peyton at Chelsea and Eric's BBQ after a long day of swimming and bike riding.
We got to visit my Grandparents in Idaho Falls which was so fun. They got out a special baby swing for him out in their yard. He loved it.
We have spent a lot of time with Chelsea and Peyton and have had lots of fun!

My Grandma Milligan came for a visit too! So we got to spend a few days with her as well!
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