Monday, June 15, 2009

Parker's First Trip to the Ocean

We love the beach! It is probably our favorite part of the trip! Parker wasn't so sure about the waves crashing towards him but after a while he loved it and would drag me into the water. He has also been testing out his legs, walking along the beach all on his own. Tyler did some body surfing. He was basically a little dot amongst the waves for a while. He enjoyed that. And I enjoy just being at the beach in general! So fun!  We've been to three different beaches so far: Ocean Beach, Mission Beach and Coronado Beach on Coronado Island. I think Coronado is our favorite but we loved them all.

Ocean Beach
"I wanna come too Dad!"

Toes in the sand...

Tyler making his way out to body surf.

 Mission Beach

Loving the sunshine!

We just happened to be in San Diego the same week as our friends the Emery's. We met up with Valerie and her family at the beach and had lots of fun with them! Here Parker is playing with his buddy Carter.

My sun glasses never seem to fit right.. ha ha.

Enjoying the water.

Coronado Island is a fun little tourist Island. I loved it! It was so clean and cute with beautiful beaches and houses. We brought our bikes over to the island and rode around for a while which was a blast. We love our bike rides and riding along the beach was awesome! Then we decided to play on the beach for a bit.

Our flip flops after rescuing them from a wave that swept them away. I thought it was kind of a cute picture.

My boys watching the waves come in.

Parker and I walking along the shore.

Parker walking all by himself in the sand and water.

My handsome hubby. I love him!
Coronado was probably the most fun we've had so far and we plan on going back another night. Maybe when we are old and rich (ha ha) we'll have a vacation home there... I wouldn't mind that! :)

1 comment:

Jeff and Laura said...

So fun..and once again I am JEALOUS! I am so glad that you got to meet up with the Emery's.

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