Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

I love my mom and I love being a mom! So Mother's Day is all around a wonderful day! I feel so lucky! 

I have a wonderful mom who despite owning and running a huge pre-school, still finds time to make her family feel important to her. She literally spends every ounce of energy she has every day and never lets a day go by with out doing something nice for her family. She has shown us so much love and support and I am very thankful for her! 

Tyler's mom is also a very loving and generous mother. I feel very lucky to get along so well with my mother-in-law. Plus she raised a pretty amazing son whom I was lucky enough to marry so I am very grateful for her as well!

I'm sure I sound like a broken record- every other blog post is about how much I love my family and being a wife and mother but I can't help it! Motherhood is the most amazing thing in the world. And it's true what mother's say, you can't understand the love a mother has for her children until you have a child yourself. I never thought I could love a messy, poopy, trouble-making little boy as much as I do. It is incredible! I am so thankful for the experiences I have been blessed with as a wife and mother. I love my little family !!

So to celebrate this great holiday Tyler and Parker took me to dinner Saturday night. I LOVE shrimp and seafood- I'm even allergic to shrimp but I love it so much I ignore the puffy lips and swollen fingers afterward- so we went to Red Lobster. Then Sunday my dad made us steak and yep... more shrimp! His dinner was even better than Red Lobster! Needless to say I had my fill of shrimp. Then we spent the rest of Sunday enjoying time with Tyler's family playing on the tramp and chasing the kids around. It was a very full day and full of great moms. To all of the wonderful mothers I know, especially my mom,.... 

1 comment:

Suzie Koskella said...

you are so beautiful! i could talk all day about being a mom and how much i love so you go ahead! you are amazing i love reading your posts! :)

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