Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Fortress from The Cold!

For over a week now our whole family has been battling the cold from you-know-where. We've had many sleepless nights and I have taken on the role of zombie mom, alive but barely. I think it was at about 4 pm, while I was in the middle of eating my third piece of chocolate cake and about half way through movie #2 of the High School Musical marathon on the Disney channel, that my brain suddenly and unexpectedly came back to me. Parker had been napping, and oh how I wish I had been as well, but little Rylan and her double ear infection would not give in to sleep. As soon as Parker woke up I realized I needed SOMETHING to combat this exhaustion. So we built ourselves a good ol' fashioned living room fort.

The kiddos loved it!

We read books...

and pretty soon Parker was convinced he was on a full on adventure! Especially when I told him we were on a safari and hiding from the lions and rhinos.

Then we heard the garage door open and found ourselves hiding from the "daddy monster"!
But he found us... Could have been Parker's squirmies and giggles that gave us away, who knows?
So the "daddy monster" joined in on the fort fun.

My favorite quote from within our cozy fortress...
"Mommy, this is one big fart!"
Fort, fart, close enough.


Val said...

oh fun! Hey, we missed you today. Let's do it next week- So kick that cold in the butt... i mean bum!

Larissa said...

Love it! Hope you guys feel better soon. :)

Tanner and Lindsay said...

Oh I love it! Such a cute little family! Hope everyone feels better soon.

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