Sunday, February 13, 2011


Do you ever feel like certain church meetings were prepared specifically for you? Like Heavenly Father whispered to the speakers and teachers "Pst... Natalie is going to need to hear this today so make sure to stare her down as you teach it!" Well I got the message and I made a point to pay close attention.

Here is what I learned at church today:

1. Difficult. I will assume that word conjures up the same negative feelings in you as it does me. But I learned today that "difficult" is not synonymous with "bad". Actually difficult can be good. Hardships teach us. We learn, we overcome and we progress, all of which are very good things. Life itself is an obstacle course of challenges, some more difficult than others. What we do with those challenges makes us who we are. The world seems to live by the motto "the easier, the better". Take the shortcut, avoid the effort. But the right route isn't always the easy one. Just imagine who we would be if long ago, as little tiny first-graders (or for you really smart people, kindergarteners) we decided reading was just too difficult and we gave up. So when we look at our lives and think to ourselves, "why is my life so stinking difficult?" instead we might think of it this way... "Why is my life so stinking good?".

2. Heavenly Father gives us trials to see if we will put our righteous responsibilities first in life.

3. The worth of sacrifice is not measured by how much you give, but rather by how much faith it requires to give it up.

4. While some people are blessed with visions, visitations, and overwhelming sensations, most often, the Holy Ghost is understood by the soul as a still small voice or a feeling of peace. We don't always need a a sign in neon lights to know what the Lord is trying to tell us.

5. I really like my ward, I really miss being in primary, but Relief Society isn't so bad :)

If you're reading this, you're not LDS and you're wondering what in the world I am talking about, I highly recommend you click here to learn more about amazing Gospel of Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

Nick and Titi said...

i'm glad you were able to listen in church!! it usually seems impossible with the kids, but when i do get to listen, it seems like i'm totally meant to hear it! kids can be "difficult" hahaha.

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