Sunday, March 28, 2010

Tender Mercies

I have always had a strong testimony of church callings. I feel like we are called to serve where we can learn the most! I have also seen the blessings of visiting teaching callings. It would be easy for the Relief Society presidency to throw together a random list of who visits who but I know that these woman are divinely inspired when making these assignments. Unfortunately I haven't been visited by visiting teachers in probably almost 2 years.... but today I was awarded a tender little mercy, I met my new visiting teacher today at church and in addition to her introducing herself and making plans to visit me (YAY!!!!) I then learned through talking to her that she is a nurse on the St. Luke's mother-baby floor! What are the odds that I'd get the woman in the ward with my dream job as a visiting teacher! So even though working as a nurse is pretty low on my priority list right now... Im just having way too much fun with Parker at home, it is still nice to know that I will have a friend who can be a resource or just some one I can relate to in the future. Neat neat!

On the subject of callings, I love my new calling! Primary is so much fun, even though I'm the secretary and have lots of busy work to run around to on Sundays. Kids have the best testimonies. I love to hear their answers during sharing time and listen to them give their talks and scriptures and sing all of my favorite primary songs. Last Sunday, me and the 2nd counselor turned to each other after the kids finished singing the song Child's Prayer and we both had tears streaming down our cheeks. The Spirit is so strong in that room full of kids! I also love the women in the presidency and think this is going to be a great learning opportunity for me.

Tyler is loving scouts. He has been building rockets and all of this fun crazy stuff and I think it is a perfect calling for him right now. He gets to be a kid again! Then he comes home and shows Parker and I what he taught the scouts. He also spoke in Sacrament meeting today and did an amazing job! I am lucky to have such a great husband who knows how to have fun and be a spiritual leader as well.

Now if we could just get Parker to stay in nursery we'd be set. He did sit through the entire Sacrament meeting today though which was so nice for a change!


Jeff and Laura said...

I am so glad you are getting a good Visiting Teacher...that is always nice! And congrats on the new callings I am sure you are both perfect for them. I love the pictures. We need to hang out soon! Jack misses his little "Pauker" or how ever he says it!

Tanner and Lindsay said...

You guys are so cute it kills me.

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